In the month of May, we celebrate Mother’s Day and Memorial Day.
One celebration, not on the Calendar is Graduation Day. Families this month are celebrating this day with their children and young adults. Graduating from the 5th grade, 8th grade, High School or College. Each step of Life’s stairs can bring new adventures and experiences for all Graduates and families. CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL GRADUATES of 2024!
HOUSEKEEPING: Neighbors we really need your participation to your Neighborhood Association by making your contribution of $50.00. As of this letter we have only received 122 payments for 2024 compared to 144 in 2023 and 165 in 2022 as of end of April. We were short overall on payments last year and barely squeaked by and did not have to turn the lights off, we may not be so lucky for 2024 at this rate. There are 340 houses in Willow Creek and we currently only have 35% participation in the community. Many of you are asking about things such as L.E.D. bulbs for streetlights, speed humps on Windy Willow Dr., assistance with cleanup of common areas, snow removal/plowing in Jefferson County all of these things cost money and we will never be able to address any of those concerns unless there is at least 95% participation every year and it has to be consistent. Come on Willow Creek I know we can do it, I have faith!
The Neighborhood Association would like to phase out the online payment option on the website with Stripe due to the fees involved. You can set up an online bill pay through your personal bank account. It looks like an electronic payment on your end, but we will be sent a check from your bank. The payee is Willow Creek Neighborhood Association and where the bank asks for an account number put in your last name and for the phone number put your personal phone number in, the address is P.O. Box 258, Crestwood, KY. 40014. The fees for Stripe run as follows:
Willow Creek has been absorbing those fees and with so little participation we can no longer afford to pay those fees, but we don’t want to lose those who like to pay online. The board understands that many people don’t write checks, nor do they have checks and with the price of postage who wants to write a check and put it in the mail that is why we provided the online option but sadly we can no longer afford to incur the fees and you can get the same result by setting us up as an online bill with your bank without the fees. Stripe will not be cut off anytime soon, but please, try to set us up as an online bill pay and let us know if you have any questions or issues in doing so. A board member did a test on their bank bill pay and it worked just fine.
As a reminder with the school year ending and the days getting longer, more children are outside playing. Please slow down as you come in and out of the subdivision as it only takes a second for a young child to dart out into the street.
As you are aware grass cutting season has been in full swing for well over a month. While most everyone tries to keep a tidy lawn that is not always possible with weather, work schedule, kids’ sports schedules, mower being in the shop, there are many reasons why someone isn’t mowing their grass. If you have a concern about a property, please contact the WCNA with a specific address at willowcreekna1@gmail.com many times these issues can be handled with a phone call and the WCNA may have information that you don’t. Please be patient and kind. If you need your grass mowed reach out on our Facebook page or Nextdoor there are many wonderful people in this neighborhood that would be more than happy to mow for you every week because that’s their job or just once while you are on vacation, or your mower is in the shop.
Remember the common ground behind your house is not for dumping household waste, yard waste, or tree debris. Please keep them clean and clear.
If we haven’t already collected your email address, you can provide your email at willowcreekna1@gmail.com. We will never sell your email to another party and it will only be used for newsletter distribution or emergency situations where we need to reach out quickly.
Any questions or suggestions can be emailed to: willowcreekna1@gmail.com
WCNA mailing address: PO Box 258, Crestwood, KY 40014
Website: willowcreek.community, pay your membership dues or donate securely here
BEGINNING BALANCE – 04.01.24 $3,627.98
04.01.24 – AMAZON (fraudulent charge) 423.99
04.04.24 – Deposit Stripe 96.50
04.08.24 – Deposit Stripe 48.25
04.12.24 – LE&E 775.00
04.19.24 – Deposit 160.00
ENDING BALANCE as of 4.30.24 $2,733.74
We were provided a provisional credit on 05.15.24 for the 04.01.24 Amazon charge of $423.99, this is a fraudulent charge, the debit card has been canceled and the bank is investigating.