It looks as though, MARCH roared in like a lion. Several homes were affected Friday 3rd, with missing shingles, siding coming off, tree limbs falling out of the trees. And some large trees fell on the ground and some homes were damaged. I hope no one was hurt during the strong winds. A lot of residents were outside Saturday cleaning up their yards. Please be aware of predatory repairmen for your trees, roof, or siding. Make sure anyone you hire is bonded and insured and they show you current proof of insurance.
Sometime this month, anyone wanting to grow cold weather vegetable plants in their gardens, should be getting their garden areas tilled. Adding fertilizer and compost before tilling can really help the nutrients in your soil. Warm weather veggies should not be planted until around Derby Day. But you can prestart your transplants inside. To be planted later when the weather is warmer.
The bi-annual neighborhood meeting was held on Saturday, February 25th, between 1:00 – 3:00. The location was at the Anchorage Middletown Fire & EMS Station 8 in Norton Commons corner of Brownsboro Rd and Featherbell Blvd. We had some great homemade soup and a few desserts. Sorry to say, the turnout was very disappointing. We only had three homeowners, besides the board, to attend. The board is trying very hard to make themselves available to all residents. One of the greatest complaints from the residents back when the HOA existed, was that the residents were not included in the decision making by the HOA. And there was no information provided to the residents of where the money collected was going to. The Willow Creek Neighborhood Association has planned several gatherings and meetings for our residents, so that they can get suggestions from anyone in our community and give an opportunity for the neighbors meet each other. A financial statement is provided with the newsletter monthly and a copy of the LG&E bill and bank statement is provided quarterly . I would like to thank our president, vice president, treasurers and secretaries for their hard work of planning and providing an opportunity for every resident to ask questions, suggest ways of improving the community, and meet your neighbors. The board made many phone calls and attended several meetings to help stop the Solid Waste Transfer Station from being built in our back door. A lot of phone calls were made to get some of the sidewalks repaired in Jefferson Co and some of the Oldham Co parts of the subdivision. The past due LG&E balance of over 7,000.00 left by the past HOA was paid off by your board making several phone calls and working with Jefferson County. It would be great if more of our residents participated in the meetings and gatherings planned just for you. The election of some board members is being planned for some time in August or September, more to come on that later. It only takes a few minutes to vote.
Remember anyone paying their yearly dues before March 31st will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win one of six $50.00 gift cards donated by LG&E’S We Care program. The Drawing will be held mid-April.
Also check out our Website and click on LG&E We Care program and get some great ideas of how you can protect you home from the cold and heat. They have some great ideas and suggestions.
If we haven’t already collected your email address, you can provide your email at willowcreekna1@gmail.com. We will continue to deliver the newsletter to those without email or who prefer paper every 3 months.
Any questions or suggestions can be emailed to: willowcreekna1@gmail.com
WCNA mailing address: PO Box 258, Crestwood, KY 40014
Website: willowcreek.community, pay your membership dues or donate securely here
02/01/23 – Deposit Stripe 96.80
02/03/23 – Deposit 245.00
02/06/23 – Deposit Stripe 43.39
02/07/23 – Deposit Stripe 96.50
02/08/23 – Deposit Stripe 48.25
02/10/23 – Deposit 330.00
02/15/23 – LG&E 779.02
02/16/23 – Deposit Stripe 96.50
02/17/23 – Deposit 290.00
02/21/23 – USPS P.O. Box 1 yr. 146.00
ENDING BALANCE – $5,375.51