Hope this Newsletter finds everyone enjoying this month of June. We’ve got Father’s Day and Juneteenth this month. Hope you and your family can enjoy some of the festivities. Don’t forget summer begins on June 20th and your garden should appreciate the hotter temps especially the tomatoes. I personally have several squashes already growing.
Reminder Mosquitoes are out in full force so remember to empty any standing water in or near your yard. In Jefferson County you can also reach out to Louisville Metro for tips on how to control.
On a more important note: Paying our yearly dues/donations is a community effort to keep the streetlights on for the community’s safety and, more importantly, the safety of our children during the school year. It is only $50.00 per year, that’s .13¢ a day, not that much, considering what it accomplishes. If paying $50.00 is too much at one time, several smaller amounts are acceptable. Anything you can do helps your community. Your board wants to thank everyone that has already paid. Your help to keep our streetlights on is a wonderful way to help all of us.
Residents of Willow Creek need to be reminded that Willow Creek Neighborhood Association is just that, a Neighborhood Association, not an HOA. A few of our residents say they would be glad to pay their portion of the $50 donation to keep the streetlights on, only if more of the deed of restrictions/rules are enforced. Unfortunately, it takes time and money to enforce the deed of restrictions. It was a consensus among the neighbors in 2019 that the $50 yearly dues/donation would be better spent keeping the streetlights on than filing liens on residents who didn’t pay their fee or broke any of the Deed of Restrictions rules. The main complaints we get on a regular basis are about parking on the streets; uncut yards; homes not being maintained; and broken-down cars on the property. We have NO AUTHORITY to make any homeowner comply. If you see one of these things, you can contact the Code Enforcement of the county you live in and you can also send us an email at willowcreekna1@gmail.com. We may have information about the property or contact information, so let us know, otherwise code enforcement has the authority to enforce any deed restrictions.
As far as parking on the streets in Willow Creek: Oldham Co properties, you are not allowed to park on the street, you must park in the grass. In the Jefferson Co part of Willow Creek, you are not allowed to park in the grass, you must park in the street.
Also, we want to thank all the residents that have been mowing the common areas. We could not accomplish it without your help. You are very much appreciated.
We are trying to put together a neighborhood meeting at the Norton Commons firehouse to discuss some of our issues so stay tuned for a date and time.
If we haven’t already collected your email address you can provide your email at willowcreekna1@gmail.com.
Any questions or suggestions can be emailed to: willowcreekna1@gmail.com
WCNA mailing address: PO Box 258, Crestwood, KY 40014
Website: willowcreek.community, pay your membership dues or donate securely here
BEGINNING BALANCE 05.01.24 $2,733.74
05.15.24 – PROVISIONAL CR 423.99
05.30.24 – LG&E 767.85
ENDING BALANCE as of 5.31.24 $2,389.88
The provisional credit is from a fraudulent Amazon charge made on our account on 04.01.24.