HAPPY NEW YEAR! Can you believe it is already 2023? Here’s hoping this new year will be a new start for everyone. Does not matter if you are starting a new job, new diet, or starting a new family. It will be a great adventure. Just remember to keep a straight path to your goal.
Remember any dues paid by check before February 14th is eligible for the 10% discount off $50.00 and anyone paying before March 31st either by check or online will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win one of six $50.00 gift cards donated by LG&E’S We Care program. The Drawing will be held mid-April.
Also check out our website and click on LG&E We Care program and get some great ideas of how you can protect you home from the cold and heat. According to LG&E lowering your thermostat by 2 degrees can save on your heating and cooling bill.
Mark your calendars in February, we are planning our bi-annual neighborhood meeting. We are currently working on securing a place to hold the meeting, hoping to do it February 25th 1:00-3:00 p.m. This will be a potluck of your favorite soups, bean, chicken noodle, vegetable, etc. so bring your Crockpot full of your favorite soup or bring your favorite dessert to share with your neighbors. Please bring a beverage of your choice the board will provide iced tea.
We are hoping to get a few guest speakers to join us, TBA.
If we haven’t already collected your email address, you can provide your email at willowcreekna1@gmail.com. We will continue to deliver the newsletter to those without email or who prefer paper every 3 months.
Any questions or suggestions can be emailed to: willowcreekna1@gmail.com
WCNA mailing address: PO Box 258, Crestwood, KY 40014
Website: willowcreek.community, pay your membership dues or donate securely here
12/08/22 – Deposit 100.00
12/09/22 – LG&E 776.31
12/23/22 – Name-Cheap website 32.16
12/29/22 – Amazon Business 10.59
ENDING BALANCE – $1,102.53