Hello Neighbors!!
- The Neighborhood Association is hosting a meeting on Wednesday August 14th from 7pm-8:30pm. Norton Commons Firehouse 9514 Featherbell Blvd Prospect KY 40059
- We will discuss streetlights and the possibility of speed bumps on Windy Willow. We also hope to inform more residents about the role of the Neighborhood Association and why it is crucial to this neighborhood.
Important Announcement
- Due to lack of funding, the streetlights could be turned off next month. This is an extremely unfortunate and avoidable situation. We ask for $50 per household per year. That is only $4.16 per month. We are so sorry to everyone who has contributed, but board members cannot keep using personal expenses to cover lack of participation. If you have not paid, please do so at your earliest convenience. Visit our website or send a check to our P.O box. If we can get more people to participate, the lights will be able to stay on. But neither Jefferson nor Oldham County pays for the lights. It is up to us as a community.
Contact Us:
- Email: Willowcreekna1@gmail.com
- PO Box 258, Crestwood, KY 40014
- Website: willowcreek.community
- Who are we?
- We are the Willow Creek Neighborhood Association. This is NOT a Homeowner’s Association. We are a group of residents who meet on a volunteer basis to accomplish specific goals around our neighborhood.
- Why do we ask for $50 a year?
- Everyone wants a safe neighborhood. Streetlights kept on, speed humps where needed, snow plowing in the winter, just to name a few things that residents request. We cannot do any of this without the $50 contribution. Please visit our website and attend the meeting for more details.
Financial Transparency
BEGINNING BALANCE as of 06.01.24 $2,389.88
- Total Deposits: $378.78
- LG&E Bill -$767.02
- Secretary of State Filing -$15.00
- Total Deposits: $368.62
- LG&E Bill -$770.13
ENDING BALANCE as of 7.31.24 $1,585.13